This service is held every Sunday in All Saints' building on Desborough Rd. Our excellent choir lead us in many sung elements of this weekly service of Parish Communion.
Parish Communion includes:
the singing of many traditional hymns
a lively sermon and Bible readings
a time of prayer (some times called 'intercessions')
Holy Communion (sharing bread & wine with Christian believers)
an invitation to stay after the service for tea and coffee

In each and every season of the church calendar (e.g. Epiphany, Lent, Easter, Christmas, etc.) we change the colours used on the communion table, and slightly alter the words used in our time of worship to reflect the different emphases of the calendar. On some occasions the choir will sing a special song before the service starts. This is known as an 'introit'.
In the CoE we use the words 'Holy Communion', 'Eucharist', and 'Lord's Supper' to describe the same thing. The 9:30am service is what is known as a 'Sung Eucharist'. This is because so much of the liturgy (special prayers and readings) is sung by everyone, rather than merely said.
If you're interested in finding out more about the seasons and liturgy of the Church of England please click here.